Monday, December 26, 2011
oh also i found out last night that Elder soucy is getting transfered and I will be getting a new companion tomorrow. Elder fretas. he is a Brazilian. so that is going to be big change and a growing experience for sure. it will be good. I could you your prayers though. I was just starting to get sort of comfortable, and Now its back into the fire. I know this is not going to be easy, but thats what life is all about stretching and growing. and that doesnt always feel good. but I know that with heavenly fathers help I can do this.
It was so good to see you all yesterday! that really was the greatest present I think I have ever gotten. I got to see all the people I love the most yesterday. Thank You for that! thank you for being such a wonderful family. I know were not perfect but I love you all anyways!
I love you all and hope that the next couple of days all you have together are wonderful!
Elder Clements
Monday, December 19, 2011
its a 90 degrees and Christmas is next week... its strange/ Sweet!
okay so this week has been pretty good/ frustrating/awesome/ crappy. some days were awesome we taught alot of lessons found new people, weather was good. then other days everything that could go wrong did. sunday was kinda crappy we had confirmed with 14 people to go to church and only 2 showed up. and jeffersons babtism this week fell because he had to work . Jeffersons is almost 18 turns 18 on christmas and is just so cool. I freaking love that kid. he really didnt know much about religion at all when we started teaching him and his mom. but after we taught him about the plan of salvation and why Jesus Christs Atonement is central to that plan and why its so important. he was converted. we were teaching the word of wisdom and the mom said she didnt understand why a little beer was bad for her and before we could respond he said Jesus chirst suffered so much for us will forgive our sins and he just asked us to keep his commandments, thats all. it is not that hard. I was pretty stoaked about that answer from a kid who really didnt know anything about Christ a few days before. hes awesome and I hope everything will work out this week and we can get him babtized on sunday.
um so what else, oh i have had alot of runs in with people who have done way to many drugs in their lives. I dont understand anything their saying and neither does elder soucy. so i dont feel to discouraged about that. but that language is well... okay. its changes everyday sometimes I can speak and understand good, then others just understand, then others i cant do anything. its hard because I want to be a good missionary and be able to teach well, but I just cant do that yet. I know it will come with time. I just feel bad when I cant explain something.
okay well I need to go! sorry its short this week and really kinda of a crappy letter. I promise it will be better next week.
I love you all and Wish you all a Merry Christmas!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
dear yall
Okay so as a request i am going to talk a little about my area : I am in Campanário which is a part of a city called Diademia which is really just an add on to the monster city of sao paulo. it is a pretty small area size wise probably about the size of the riverview ward and shoreline ward combinded. except there are a bunch of hills and the houses are everywhere. there is very little if any open spaces. except the jungle that boreders the area. I dont get it but they just left a huge patch of jungle in the city. and its huge!. anyways I am in a branch that just opened 3 months ago and now just got a new building. the goal is to have it be a ward in a month or two. which is very possible.
there are so probably about 50 bars, churches, in the area. its really kinda of sad people just decide they want to open churches up in their garages and get money from people. sadly many people are successful. most of the churches are evengelical chruches. everytime i walk by they are just yelling... one church we walked by the other day and people were all standing up screaming and shaking rolling on the floor.... I just felt sick and moved on real fast.
Most of the week the place is a pretty good place to be. sundays are usually pretty bad. almost everyone has work off and has partys and gets drunk. so sunday is just loud and people just do really stupid stuff like ride motorcycles around drinking at the same time. I saw a crash yesterday luckily no one got hurt to bad just some road burn that was pretty amazing.
um so about the Branch: the branch is small and the members are for the most part really new to the church the people that have been memebrs the longest have only been in the church for 10-13 years. so we are working alot with just strenghing the church and the members.
and yeah thats a bit more about my area. if any of you have questions and want to know something about here please just ask.
okay so my week
well it rained alot! like someone turned a shower on. most of the days this week i was soaking wet all day... like shoes filled with water and making that sound that wet salks and shoes make. and its werid brasil basically stops in a really good down poar. thursday was pretty bad. basically everything we planned fell and so we just were outside in the rain all day. but we just did are best to be positive and keep going. which was hard at times because I was just wet and cold and wanted to go home becasue know one was home or would answer. but god blessed us so much on sunday and saturday and we found a bunch of people and a lot of people are progressing I think we will be having at least 4 or 6 babtisms in the next two weeks. it was so awesome to just see things fall into place after such a terrible day.
okay also by request from my mom a story from the week. this actually happened yesterday. so we have been working with a family well since before i got here. teotonio is the dad and was babtised 2 weeks ago. and now his daughter jackoline is going to be babtised. so yesterday we were just talking and elder soucy was talking with teotonio and Marcie (the mom) and i was talking with jackoline Teo ( the son 23) and Ana (teo girl friend who lives with them) and jackoline asked me if i missed home I told her yes i did and i thought i would always miss home and the people i love there. but that I knew that this was the place god wanted me to be and that when I teach people like thier family that I could not be happier. and then some how we got on prophets and i pulled out the ensign magizine and was showing them the picture of all the general athoritys and was trying to explain the role of the president, the 12 and the 70. and then I told them about how i used to have doupts about if all of this was true, if the church was true, if these men were really called by god to be prophets and lead HIS church. and i told them about how I did exactly what we ask our investigators to do everyday. i prayed about it and searched for answers. i then started to try and explain the feelings i got when i knew that it was true remember this is all in really bad portuguese. and i just told them i didnt know quite how to explain it in protuguese or english (teo speaks a little english) but that is just a feeling. And then this was the really cool part teo said I know what you are saying its a feeling because i am having that feeling right now. it was really cool to see the Holy ghost share the feeling that i wanted to share so bad but couldnt.
I Miss Home, I miss I miss family, I miss Friends, I miss My dog! to know that i wont get to spend x-mas at home and see the people i love so much is a hard thought at time. BUT I dont have any doubts that this is where god wants me to be and that even though I miss you so much I that I am happy.
I love you!
Elder Clements
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
well yet another week has gone by. its crazy I have already been in the field for 4 weeks. Pday was today because we went to the temple today. it was so nice to be in the temple. I was so grateful for the peace that i felt going into the temple. if their is onething i know is that satan is working really hard here and I feel it everyday. I didnt realise how much until i went into the temple. sunday was a huge soccer game between two big teams here and the corithains( the team basically everyone in the favela likes) won the game. the streets were everything but peaceful. people went crazy. basically everyone was drunk and setting off fireworks yelling driving motobikes around without mufflers....we went home because the spirit was long gone. the partying went on to the wee hours of the morning... which reminds me can someone send me earplugs. that would be an awesome gift.
besides sunday it was a pretty peaceful week. yesterday i went on splits with a brazilain. it was pretty fun. I was suprised to see just how far my portuguese has come. it was good to spend all day speaking portuguese but it was so nice when I got back to home with elder soucy.
thursday we had a lesson with claudia and ardioçõn and thier family. i dont know if i have talked about them very much but they are the first people i taught when i got here and its so awesome to see the light coming on in their lives. we are going to invite the kids to be babtised in a week or 2. they are such a awesome family. the parents have to be married first but they already have plans to be. hopefully we can do that this week or next.
I am learning so much here. I am learning about myself. I see how blessed I am everyday. I see how blessed i am to live in the US how blessed i am to have a wonderful family and friends. I see how blessed i am to have loving parents that taught me so much. I see so many kids everyday that really dont have anyone in there lifes their mom had them at 17 the dad walked out and so she works all the time and the kids have no one. I am so blessed to have this gospel in my life and i know the answer to so many of these peoples problems is the gospel. I know that. it sounds so cliche but Honestly the gospel can and will bless anyone in any circumstance. thats why i am here because I have been blessed with so much and I want everyone to have these blessings too. I know this church is truly Christs church. its not a mans church. it is Jesus Christ Church and he leads it through prophets.
Alright até proximo semana
I love you all!!
Elder Clements
A note to Mom including info for sending packages
first things first, I am doing well. yes this is by far the hardest thing i have ever done and I struggle everyday. and yes god is helping me!
I got the package you sent. Thank you so much!!!! about the cost for a package. yes if you mark the package over 50 i have to pay about double. sister tanner said that you should mark is below no matter what and be general about the contents like missionary supplies and candy. I am not sure how it all works but the way sister tanner explained it is that you should mark it below 50.
for calling home i will be buying a card and calling home with a members phone. it is a 6 hour time difference from home. i am 6 hours a ahead. I think i will be calling around 5 or 6 my time if that does not work let me know because i can call later. the time is not set yet so let me know what time works for you and ill figure it out.
Love joe!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Dang i dont even know how to start. this week has been hard...this really is hardest thing I have ever done. this week has been amazing... i had my first babtism. ( more on that later.) this week has been eye opening... we really are so blessed to live in the united states.
okay so ill go over the events of the week.
this week we opened up a new building. almost everyday we spent the afternoons and nights giving out invites to the open houses and talking to people on the street and bring them in and showing them the building and explaining about the chruch and our beliefs. it was crazy but it was good i talked to about 200 people this week. and really can see my portuguese improving greatly.
we had zone conference on tuesday. it was good. it was all in portuguese. i didnt understand everything but I got the jist of almost all of it which was awesome. president tanner is so awesome. hes really just a loving guy. i dont really know how to describe him he just loves. sister tanner is awesome too. its funny to just be talking with them and remember what is was like to watch them when sister tanner gave conference talks and president tanner at BYU devotionals. they are both amazing. they gave me a box of cereal for my birthday. it is great. they dont have cereal here and the stuff they do have is so expensive.
if theres one thing i know. its this mission is making me so grateful to live where i do. everyday i just see stuff that i can really even describe. favellas are really dirty. and filled with some not very good people. yesterday i saw a bunch of guys giving alcolhol to a 10 year old i see stuff like this all the time. idk it hard to describe in words. just be grateful!!!
i had my first Babtism in the mission!!!!
his name is teotonio.. Hes about 50 and is a Man!!!! reminds me of a shorter uncle randy with a wicked sweet beard. anyways he so awesome and is just stoked about the gospel. he invites people everyweek and we are working with his family... and I would not be surprised if they are babtized in a week or two.
thank you all for the prayers!!! i definitly felt them this week! I dont know if i could do this with out them!
I love you all and am praying for you too!!
Love elder clements!
Monday, November 21, 2011
okay so I am the feild. I am currently in the city of Diadema which is part of sao paulo. I am in a area called campanário. it is a favella. which if you dont know what that is google it. they are pretty legit.
so a ton has happend since i last wrote I dont even know where to begin. okay so i left the ctm last week and that was an adventure. they took us to the wrong mission presidents home. so we ended up in the sao paulo interlagos mission presidents home. and were there for like an hour and half. we then left finally and got to president tanners home. we meet them and had some training and interviews. we were there for like 3 hours then we went to a chapel an hour away and had lunch then met our new companions.
mine is Elder soucy. He is from montanna and has been out for a year and 8 months. hes a little bit truncky and tired which I can understand but it is frustrating at times. he is really good at portuguese and teaching and works hard when were out. and is really good at talking to people.
my area campanario is Ghetto. it is crazy how they build houses here. i dont even know how to describe them you will just have to look at pictures on the internet.let just say if an earth quake hits going to be bad. the area has lots of hills. and is not terribly big i guess. it takes like 30 mins to walk from one side to the other. by the time i get home i am totally worn out. its crazy every street has 3 things a church of somekind, a bar and, sometimes drugs. mom dont worry I am safe. it ghetto but i am safe.
the peope here are very diferent. so far i have found 3 types of people one the people who hate us.( oh i got spit on this week... didnt get that mad just kinda was like really... okay)
the others are the people who are willing to talk to us but are not committed to anything and dont do anything... no joke on guy sat on a chair all day. then there are the people who are interested and are willing to do something to find out if what we are sharing is true.
I am not going to lie i am home sick. the times when i am not is when i am working and thinking about others so that what i have been trying to do. work my butt off and forget about me. its a work in progress and your prayers would be greatly appreicated.
I love you all!! I love this work and find get so much joy when i am doing it. I know that Jesus Christ is our savior and that his church has been restored to its fullness through a prophet of god. I also know that you can know this for yourself. you dont have to take my word or anyone elses. that is greatest part about it.
I love you !!!
First Area Address
Elder Josiah Clements
Cx Postal 26504
são paulo
SP 04311-970
and packages to the other one i sent a couple of weeks ago.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
OPA!!! from the CTM for the last time!!!!!....I am a little bit exctited!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
so where to bgein on this week, i have no idea..... um i got new brazilain roomates... they are pretty awesome. Elder Miranda, Elder, Costa and Elder. Sobrino. they are awesome. Elder sobrino is my faviorte becasue he looks like a little black budda with the best smile in the world and he always eats my cookies which makes me laguh more then upset. other then that this week has been much of the same old same old. next week i should have more to write about. we are suppose to go out in the city and proselyte next monday and also some one from the presidency of the 70 and or 12 are coming to give us a training next monday aswell. it should interresting.
the weather here is wonderful its like perfect spring weather in the Tri-cities. cool but not cold and sunny!!!! with a nice breeze. OH I almost for got. guess what yall i can now sing I believe in Christ in 4 languages. English Poruguese, spanish and German. thats right i spreckin the german.... :) that is the song we sang for choir on sunday. oh yeah I am in the choir. I think i told you that but maybe not. bascaillly choir is required.... they dont say it is... but we all know it is. the first week we got here there were may be like 30 americans and 170 brazians or spanish speaking now there are like 150 americans and 50 brazians... as one of the sisters here from argentia says all the time Esta Triste ( i dont think she know any other phases in portuguse otther then that.) I mean its awesome that people are getting their visas and i am glad they are here i just wish there were more Brazilians to talk to.
Portuguese is getting easier everyday. I am getting to the point where i can understand almost everything when they talk at a reasonable pace. I am getting so excited for the feild you have no idea!!!!! I talk with one of the teachers who served in Sao paulo Sul and is now a seceratary to President tanner just about everyday about what the mission is like and I AM SO EXCITED the majority of it is on the coast which I am super stoked about. but i am even more excited to get out and meet people and talk to people and help people...I Love being a missionary and i can;t wait to appy all i am learning here in the CTM.
sorrry is so short this week. this is what happens when i dont plan before hand on what to write. hopefully you enjoy it!
Elder Clements
oh Ps please start sending mail to the address i gave you for packaages it my mission home because i am leaving in 2 weeks!!!
Mom: thanks for calling the mission mall place. the towel and sandals and shoes were the only thing i had not gotten. thank you!!!
Please give Becky Eric and the kids some love from me. I am praying for them!!!
Rhonda: thank you for the email hearing anything from home is great so dont worry about the email. i can get pictures i just can;t print them off so hard copys are prefered but ill take what i can get
Kelsey: thank you so much for the email i loveed it !!! and the pictures. I did get the package before i left provo. thank you!!!!! and thanks for the blog!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
whats up!!?? from the Southern Hemisphere
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Bom Dia!!!! from Brazil!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Your missionary´s arrival at the Brazil MTC

Dear Parents,
We are happy to send the good news that your missionary has arrived safely at the Brazil MTC. What a great joy and privilege it is to greet each missionary as they come through the front door of the MTC for the first time. We promise to take good care of your missionary.
They now have companions and are settled into their rooms. They are assigned to a district with capable and caring instructors for language and lesson study. The branch presidents and their wives, will soon give them a second greeting. These couples are rewarded in their callings through the love they always develop as they embrace and watch over the missionaries.
The MTC has a full time live-in physician to care for their health needs. He is assisted by his able wife. We are also happy to report that the Cafeteria food is abundant and very good.
Your missionary will be able to e-mail home on Preparation Day after a morning at the Temple. This will be either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on individual assignments.
Your very important young person is about to make an eternal difference in the lives of others. We hope you will be encouraged and comforted by this quote by President Lorenzo Snow: “There is no mortal man that is so much interested in the success of an elder [sister] when he is preaching the gospel as the Lord that sent him to preach to the people who are the Lord’s children.”
Please accept our love,
President Donald L Clark and Sister Zaza Clark
ADDITIONAL information . . .
DO not send packages to the Brazil Missionary Training Center. All packages must be sent directly to the mission where your missionary will be serving not the MTC. If you have already mailed a package to the Brazil MTC and it arrives after your missionary has left for the field, please understand that the package can not be forwarded to his or her mission and will be returned to you. The only other option is for us to open the package and forward the letters and photographs, giving the rest of the content of the package to the missionaries that are here.
WE Strongly eNCOURAGE sENDING HAND WRITTEN LETTERS. Please write your missionary´s first and last name. Your missionary will provide you with his district and box number. Also, please DO NOT SEND ANYTHING BY FEDEX, DHL, UPS, or other private carriers. The cost to get this type of correspondence is exorbitant.Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My address in Brazil!...I am leaving on a Jet plane!, don't know when I'll be back again (two years ;D ) love you all!!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
News of Joe
I heard from Joe today, he got permission to call and let us know that his Visa came and he will be leaving for Brazil on Tuesday afternoon. He leaves from Salt Lake at 1:20 p.m. and flys to Atlanta get there at 7:30 and leaves at 9:30 and will get to Brazil at 8:15 am on Wednesday. He want to thank all of you who have been praying he would get his visa.