Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bom dia!


First off I would just like to say thank you all for the prayers and for fasting for me on sunday! it is wonderful to know that I have so many people supporting me and loving me!

This past week was a good one, It was incredibly hard but it was good.

Monday, so after emailing I went home and tried to start writing a few letters, but the new meds I got for the rash kicked in and I was gone...I was out until the next day.

tuesday: tuesday we woke up and went and taught a english lesson in our chapel with a guy called neilton. I dont know if i have told you about him yet...anyways he is like 45 and he called our Disrict leaders a couple of weeks ago wanting to know if we gave English lessons. he already know english just needs to practice. so basically we just talk in english for an hour. He is/ was a Methodist preacher and is now a psycho-analyst. he has some very interesting ideas about god and humans. for example he was telling us that god is diffrent for each person based off what that person wants god to be. he has done a really good job of mixing sigmond Freud's philosophies in with religion. anyways it was an interesting conversation... after that we ate lunch and then i had to take another really big douse of my meds and it kinda sucked. The meds dont make drowsy like the benadryl does but man does it suck the engery out of you. the rest of the day was just me trying to put one foot in front of the next. all of our appoinments fell and so it was a day of just knocking doors.

Wednesday we had ZOne Conference which was AWESOME! I love being with all other elders and getting to see how there doing. I got to talk with Elder Cambell for awhile which was awesome.... He is such a stud and is doing so awesome! It was also crazy to say good by to Elder soucy who goes home this transfer. It crazy it seems like he just trained me and now I almost have 6 months. but the best part of zone conference is getting to be trained by president and sister Tanner!! they talked alot about true conversion and real growth in the church. I also got my meds to kill off my friends, but have not been able to take the yet( I take them tomorrow WAHOO!) because I had to finish off the allergie meds. .....I Hate meds , just saying... but will be so happy when I can be Healthy!

Thursday through saturday were just hard! I still was not feeling the best. by friday the rash had pretty much gone away completely and i was able to start a taper off which was so wonderful because missionary works is tiering enough without Meds that make your muscles feel like jelly. but I have been learning alot about depending on the lord. I have done so much praying this past week. praying just to have the force to make it through the day, praying for the force to be able to get out the door. I dont remember saturday, laying in my bed, feeling crappy, feeling discouraged, feeling like i was done and feeling like I just didnt have anything left in me to give. I was just laying there and told heavenly Father that I didnt have anything left in me and that if i was going to be able to get up and work he was going to have to help me...I layed there for a minute and then i felt like someone just like lifted me up to my feet. lt was like someone grabbed me and pulled me out of bed. I know that Heavenly Father Helped me in that moment and I am so Grateful for a Father in Heaven who answers prayers. I dont know how many times I prayed for strength, spiritually physically emotionally. I so grateful for the Help that he has given me so I could go help others. Sunday we were able to go visit and give the sacrament to a sister in the ward who had eye surgery a couple of weeks ago and her sister who is taking care of her. we went there with our ward mission leader and the elders quorum president. we had a mini testimony meeting before giving them the sacrament. I felt like the visit did more good for me then it did for them. I can only hope that one day I can have the kind of faith those two sisters have.

So, one of the things that I prayed for alot this week is peace. Heavenly Father blessed me with it many times this week but today we got to go to the temple which was so good. It is amazing the peace that just rushes into your body the moment you walk through the doors. I have never felt so grateful temples as i was today. I could not help but just let out a huge breath of relief. I love the temple and if you can go...GO! it is such a blessing!

again thank you so much for all of your prayers! thank you for your emails!

I love you and Hope you are doing well!

Love Elder Clements

ps. Kim Nelson: I got your letters you sent me in febuary through missionties this week thank you! I even got the pictures. and congrats on the Morgage!!! and good luck with all of the wedding plans! I am sorry that i have not got back to you sooner about idea for stuff to send me. I sent a list 2 times with letters to alyse a month or two ago but as far as i know those letters have not got there so sorry and I will try again. I will send a list of things to everyone so if you want ideas you will have them.

Ashley Nelson: Congrats kid!! it is a little weird to me that your getting married but I am happy for you!!! good luck with everything!

Kamora: I miss you too! there is a little girl here in the ward who reminds me of you and everytime I see her I miss you like crazy!! Keep being good and way to go on the basketball game!! and make sure you´re real nice to your mom and help her lots with nate and addie!! ;)

Asa: thanks for the email and the prayers in portuguse :) Eu te Amo! e Boa sorte com suas Aulas!

Ben: Are you alive? I have not heard anything about you from anyone since x-mas. I would write you a letter but i dont have you address. I love you!

Lauren: I am way stocked for you and congrats on going to BYUI...try to stay focused and make it through the last semster strong. enjoy high school while it lasts you only go there once...unless you fail ;) I love you sis!

Arina: I just want you to know that I love you and I Miss you! I miss you laugh and beautiful smile. be happy and keep being your wonderful self!

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