Monday, November 28, 2011


Dearest family and friends

Dang i dont even know how to start. this week has been hard...this really is hardest thing I have ever done. this week has been amazing... i had my first babtism. ( more on that later.) this week has been eye opening... we really are so blessed to live in the united states.
okay so ill go over the events of the week.
this week we opened up a new building. almost everyday we spent the afternoons and nights giving out invites to the open houses and talking to people on the street and bring them in and showing them the building and explaining about the chruch and our beliefs. it was crazy but it was good i talked to about 200 people this week. and really can see my portuguese improving greatly.
we had zone conference on tuesday. it was good. it was all in portuguese. i didnt understand everything but I got the jist of almost all of it which was awesome. president tanner is so awesome. hes really just a loving guy. i dont really know how to describe him he just loves. sister tanner is awesome too. its funny to just be talking with them and remember what is was like to watch them when sister tanner gave conference talks and president tanner at BYU devotionals. they are both amazing. they gave me a box of cereal for my birthday. it is great. they dont have cereal here and the stuff they do have is so expensive.
if theres one thing i know. its this mission is making me so grateful to live where i do. everyday i just see stuff that i can really even describe. favellas are really dirty. and filled with some not very good people. yesterday i saw a bunch of guys giving alcolhol to a 10 year old i see stuff like this all the time. idk it hard to describe in words. just be grateful!!!

i had my first Babtism in the mission!!!!
his name is teotonio.. Hes about 50 and is a Man!!!! reminds me of a shorter uncle randy with a wicked sweet beard. anyways he so awesome and is just stoked about the gospel. he invites people everyweek and we are working with his family... and I would not be surprised if they are babtized in a week or two.

thank you all for the prayers!!! i definitly felt them this week! I dont know if i could do this with out them!
I love you all and am praying for you too!!
Love elder clements!

Monday, November 21, 2011

hello friends and family

okay so I am the feild. I am currently in the city of Diadema which is part of sao paulo. I am in a area called campanário. it is a favella. which if you dont know what that is google it. they are pretty legit.
so a ton has happend since i last wrote I dont even know where to begin. okay so i left the ctm last week and that was an adventure. they took us to the wrong mission presidents home. so we ended up in the sao paulo interlagos mission presidents home. and were there for like an hour and half. we then left finally and got to president tanners home. we meet them and had some training and interviews. we were there for like 3 hours then we went to a chapel an hour away and had lunch then met our new companions.

mine is Elder soucy. He is from montanna and has been out for a year and 8 months. hes a little bit truncky and tired which I can understand but it is frustrating at times. he is really good at portuguese and teaching and works hard when were out. and is really good at talking to people.

my area campanario is Ghetto. it is crazy how they build houses here. i dont even know how to describe them you will just have to look at pictures on the internet.let just say if an earth quake hits going to be bad. the area has lots of hills. and is not terribly big i guess. it takes like 30 mins to walk from one side to the other. by the time i get home i am totally worn out. its crazy every street has 3 things a church of somekind, a bar and, sometimes drugs. mom dont worry I am safe. it ghetto but i am safe.

the peope here are very diferent. so far i have found 3 types of people one the people who hate us.( oh i got spit on this week... didnt get that mad just kinda was like really... okay)
the others are the people who are willing to talk to us but are not committed to anything and dont do anything... no joke on guy sat on a chair all day. then there are the people who are interested and are willing to do something to find out if what we are sharing is true.

I am not going to lie i am home sick. the times when i am not is when i am working and thinking about others so that what i have been trying to do. work my butt off and forget about me. its a work in progress and your prayers would be greatly appreicated.

I love you all!! I love this work and find get so much joy when i am doing it. I know that Jesus Christ is our savior and that his church has been restored to its fullness through a prophet of god. I also know that you can know this for yourself. you dont have to take my word or anyone elses. that is greatest part about it.

I love you !!!

First Area Address

So to send me letters send them to this address

Elder Josiah Clements
Cx Postal 26504
são paulo
SP 04311-970

and packages to the other one i sent a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

OPA!!! from the CTM for the last time!!!!!....I am a little bit exctited!

Hello dearest family friends and cool cats (dont ask me whos who) ;)
I am so HAPPY!!!! its amazing....missionary work and loving others is the best happy pills. life is a huge challenge everyday but I am very happy... its werid/ awesome like that.
okay so this past week... oh no before I got into that I want to talk about Elder Cornwell and Elder heath his companion. Sister Cornwell: I Just wanted to tell you that Your son is amazing!!! and is going to be an even more amazing missionary!!! he left today and I will miss seeing him everyday. but i thought you would like to know that he is doing so well!! The amount of growth I have seen in him is incredible. he is such an example to me and grateful to call him my friend. I thought you would like to know. if you are in contact with Elder Heaths mom please tell her that he is doing great!!
okay so my week... oh man so much and only like 10 mins left. we only have 30 mins here to read and write so sorry!
I went proselyting for the first time yesterday. IT WAS AWSOME!!!! I decided I was going to talk to the first person I saw and just jump in. It was kinda like cliff jumping. super scary but a totally great. we talked with tons of ´people and gave four Book of mormons away. It was all through very limited poruguese and mainly church vocab but I found after the first one i wasn´t scared at all and I am stoked to do this for 2 years!! Gahh i wish i had more time to tell you about the idivdual people becasue they were all amazing people.
okay we also had a training from the area president and Elder Evans of the 70. It was awesome. they talked about our purpose and focusing on teaching all of the gospel of christ and not forgetting anypart and helping people follow each part. the part he said we usually forget is enduring to the end. and how critical is that part. he also talked about tithing and how people need the blessing of tithing so bad especially Brazil.
okay that is about all I have the time for right now. this will be the last letter from the ctm and i don´t know if i will be able to email next week. but know that i love you all and I know that god will bless us when we follow his commandments
I love you all!!!
sincerly Elder Clements
Mom can you send me deoderant soon please They dont´t have stick deoderant here and the stuff they do have is not the most effective. I like the old spice stuff with the holes. it kind of looks like a strainer. hopefully you can fiqure it out. maybe ask alyse she might remember Idk but i would love that!
I love you mom!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


hello wonderful family and friends!!!

so where to bgein on this week, i have no idea..... um i got new brazilain roomates... they are pretty awesome. Elder Miranda, Elder, Costa and Elder. Sobrino. they are awesome. Elder sobrino is my faviorte becasue he looks like a little black budda with the best smile in the world and he always eats my cookies which makes me laguh more then upset. other then that this week has been much of the same old same old. next week i should have more to write about. we are suppose to go out in the city and proselyte next monday and also some one from the presidency of the 70 and or 12 are coming to give us a training next monday aswell. it should interresting.

the weather here is wonderful its like perfect spring weather in the Tri-cities. cool but not cold and sunny!!!! with a nice breeze. OH I almost for got. guess what yall i can now sing I believe in Christ in 4 languages. English Poruguese, spanish and German. thats right i spreckin the german.... :) that is the song we sang for choir on sunday. oh yeah I am in the choir. I think i told you that but maybe not. bascaillly choir is required.... they dont say it is... but we all know it is. the first week we got here there were may be like 30 americans and 170 brazians or spanish speaking now there are like 150 americans and 50 brazians... as one of the sisters here from argentia says all the time Esta Triste ( i dont think she know any other phases in portuguse otther then that.) I mean its awesome that people are getting their visas and i am glad they are here i just wish there were more Brazilians to talk to.

Portuguese is getting easier everyday. I am getting to the point where i can understand almost everything when they talk at a reasonable pace. I am getting so excited for the feild you have no idea!!!!! I talk with one of the teachers who served in Sao paulo Sul and is now a seceratary to President tanner just about everyday about what the mission is like and I AM SO EXCITED the majority of it is on the coast which I am super stoked about. but i am even more excited to get out and meet people and talk to people and help people...I Love being a missionary and i can;t wait to appy all i am learning here in the CTM.

sorrry is so short this week. this is what happens when i dont plan before hand on what to write. hopefully you enjoy it!

Elder Clements

oh Ps please start sending mail to the address i gave you for packaages it my mission home because i am leaving in 2 weeks!!!

Mom: thanks for calling the mission mall place. the towel and sandals and shoes were the only thing i had not gotten. thank you!!!
Please give Becky Eric and the kids some love from me. I am praying for them!!!

Rhonda: thank you for the email hearing anything from home is great so dont worry about the email. i can get pictures i just can;t print them off so hard copys are prefered but ill take what i can get

Kelsey: thank you so much for the email i loveed it !!! and the pictures. I did get the package before i left provo. thank you!!!!! and thanks for the blog!